To educate our prospective and existing customers of the benefits and operating savings available through energy efficiency, renewable energy, computer/technology automation using a combination of hardware, software, and network services.
To educate our prospective and existing customers of the benefits and operating savings available through energy efficiency, renewable energy, computer/technology automation using a combination of hardware, software, and network services.
Our Vision
To enhance and maintain a leading edge leadership position in Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, computer/telephony integration in terms of working applications, achieving real productivity benefits for our client base.
To enhance and maintain a leading edge leadership position in Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, computer/telephony integration in terms of working applications, achieving real productivity benefits for our client base.
Our Values
To maintain a supportive partnership environment with, and respect for, our customers and their needs through a program of continuous improvement and a commitment to teamwork, thus providing our staff with enjoyable, creative, and rewarding long-term employment opportunities.
Clean, Cheap and Abundant Power is one of the basic ingredients for the economic progress of a City, State or Country.
Try Our Rate Analysis The purpose of deregulation is to foster competition among electricity suppliers with the medium and long-term goal of combating the high prices maintained by government-sanctioned regional monopolies over the past decade. There are signs that deregulation of the electricity supply market is working as designed. For example, over the past 24 months there have been more applications to commence construction of power plants across the United States than there have been over the course of the past ten years combined.
The more available power there is, the greater the competition will be to generate and sell power efficiently, leading to lower prices, as well as more consumer-friendly energy products. On the retail level, we have been seeing the positive effects of deregulation manifest in real competition for our customers' electricity needs. This is a winning situation in most markets. Let us help you get the best deal you can for power supply in your marketplace.
Natural Gas Analysis and more
*Type of energy cost analysis requested:
Thermal Imaging
Site Inspection
Utility Audis
Energy Management
Rate Optimization and
"Who controls the food supply controls the people";
"who controls the energy supply controls whole continents";
"who controls money controls the world";
"who controls water sources controls life". YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2022