As one of the nation’s most experienced energy auditors & marketers, Federal Energy (FE) has extensive utility and regulatory expertise. Trusted by businesses across a range of industries, we leverage our capabilities and industry relationships to help customers manage energy portfolios and mitigate commodity risk.
While securing competitive prices for natural gas and power, we help clients understand where their energy dollars are spent—and how to realize additional savings. This includes reducing gas and power usage, controlling energy demand, and focusing on energy efficiency. We also provide account management and consolidated invoicing for thousands of multi-unit accounts, making it easy to organize billing and manage budgets across multiple facilities.
Federal Energy’s comprehensive management and consulting services include:
Full-service administration of natural gas, Telecom and electricity accounts
Bill auditing and invoice reconciliation
Custom reporting and account analysis
Demand side management (DSM) solutions
Lighting audits and retrofits
Green energy opportunities
Telecom consolidation and audit
Successful energy management requires time and expertise that most businesses do not have. When you partner with Federal Energy, we work with your internal team to monitor real-time energy pricing and create a customized energy strategy. Each program is designed to meet your operational and budget objectives while accommodating future growth.
About De-Regulation
Deregulation creates choice. Customers in the electric and natural gas markets now have the ability to choose the supplier for their business. Prior to deregulation you only had one choice and no competition. The monopoly on energy made for poor service and high cost.
Following deregulation of the airline and telephone industries, the focus moved to natural gas and electric utilities. Consumers are now able to choose who supplies their natural gas and/or electricity. The utility delivers the energy regardless of who supplies the natural gas or electricity through their distribution system. Additionally, the utility is still responsible for maintenance of the distribution system, billing, meter reading and responding to outages.
Since deregulation came to the energy industry over 10 years ago, almost half of the states have passed major legislation and regulations to restructure their electric power, natural gas, or both.
Benefits of deregulation:
Choice: pricing, service, contracts
Elimination of monopolies creating a level playing field
Better service
Better pricing
More jobs and opportunities
Alternative and renewable energy resources more available
What is Green Energy
Green energy is energy that is produced in a matter that has less negative impact on the environment than traditional energy sources. Unlike fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas), green energy is created in a manner that releases very little pollution as a by-product. It is believed that harmful pollutants released by traditional sources has led to global warming, air pollution, land and water pollution.
In an effort to meet the demands of today’s energy consumption as well as preserve our environment for future generations, more green and sustainable energy sources have been engineered to provide an alternative to fossil fuels. Examples of green energy include:
Solar Power – Utilizing captured sunlight to generate electricity.
Wind Power – Conversion of wind to energy via wind turbines.
Wave Power – Development of energy through the use of ocean waves.
Geothermal Power – Energy originated from the earth’s core and brought to the surface.
Tidal Power – Energy from the tides is converted to electricity.
Hydro-electric Power – Clean energy created by flowing water through a tunnel or damn, thus creating increased water pressure that drives a turbine and converts it to energy.
Biomass – Created from biological material from living or recently living organisms such as: plants, dead trees, yard clippings, wood chips, garbage, wood, hydrogen and alcohol fuels.